zondag 28 januari 2018

Impotence, that's why!

I get to a point where I start questioning why I'm getting the information and knowledge that men in their 60ies, 70ies and beyond possess and preach.

Why is it that the pressure in my hip is pointing towards my sexual center?
Could it be that the socially imposed 'potty training' forces boys to block their First chakra?
Causing the Second chakra to be forced to deal with whatever energy overflows.
Resulting in the well known morning erections with painful full blathers?
So by daily forcing the urine thru the closed off ureter, damaging the 2nd chakra?
Could this result, by the age of 50 to erectile disfunction?

Imagine that elderly men, unconsciously and way too late, have found the answer to this issue.
They get up at night to urinate, several times.

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Thank you boob-lady!