dinsdag 30 januari 2018

Tar black fixed eyes in the mirror.

My eyes are fixed, closed.
Over generations.
Over clans and tribes worldwide.
Even an Alien representative has them sealed with black tar.
The baby is unable to open them and focus on "reality".

I feel it's my duty to help him.
I am convinced I can do it.
Maybe if I show him how to do it, he will be able...

As I try to open them, I feel a pulling force at the bottom of my spine.
I insist and pull that energy higher, to my 2nd chakra. Now my eyelids start opening.
This is exhausting and I am only on step 2.
I go through the blurry fazes of 3, 4 and 5...
Still no focus.
I'm getting desperate.
I gather my courage and pull the energy over my head.
I'm screaming at this point.
The energy is pushed above my head but I can't lift it any higher and it's about to collapse.

Then, I submit to the weight of this work.
My eyes shut so fast and hard, pure darkness...

Sorry kido, maybe next time. <3

This insight, fills my belly with insecurity...

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Thank you boob-lady!