maandag 30 december 2019

Joining the Understanding Abundance Family

Out of our Ayahuasca group a new group emerged to focus on Abundance.

Image result for abundance

The message was this:

Hi. It’s Chris here.  I am doing an experiment to see if it is true that when two or more people place their attention on something (Good for all) it will happen.
I need your help to prove this is true. I would like us all to have one New Years resolution for 2020. I know this is not possible as we all have different wishes. What if we replaced all our New Year’s resolutions with something which we all seek: Abundance.
This could be Abundance in anything including abundance of cash, customers if you run a business, health if you are sick, love, friends if you are lonely—you name it...
Let’s make it beyond our our control except to think about it joyfully as if it has already happened—giving it a little attention for a few minutes daily for 21 days and see what happens.
This is how you can help me:
1. Set aside only 21 (or 3 if 21 iOS too much—3 is 2+1) minutes a day for 21 days (or a minimum of 3 days—again 2+1=3).
2. During those 21 (or 3) minutes you think about abundance in the area you have chosen. If you are willing to help me reply Yes and I will add you to the group which I will call Understanding Abundance.
3. I will send you a daily exercise to do during those 21 minutes each day.
4. It is important that we all begin on  1st January 2020 so let me know if you are interested before the end of day on 31 December 2019.
5. Whatever you chose to get more of must be personal— don’t share with anybody what you wish to attract even me.
6. When you finish the exercise just send a ✅ to the group. That’s it.
7. If you are interested please send me a tick ✅ before 1 January and I will add you to the group.
8. On 22 January 2020 send a ✅ to the group if you have done the exercises for the full 21 days.
9. At any time during the 21 days or Later In the year feel free to send a tick ✅ to the group if you start getting your wishes in abundance—only if you wish to share.
10. Feel free to let me know if you decide to be removed from the group at any time during or after the 21 days

Setting my intention:
My intention for 2020 is to experience what it means to have abundant love, luck, gratitude, confidence, joy and to reinforce this intention I will feel what it means to give and receive unconditional love, luck, gratitude, confidence and joy.

zondag 15 december 2019

Honorring the Kambo tradition

It's been about  a month since our first Kambo ceremony and tradition requires a 2nd visit.
So here we are, ready to do the work.
I have to admit, this time was very different and it felt a degree harder to go through.
Especially on the moment I felt the medicin rush inside my system.
That's when all memories of the 1st ceremony came back and I could only think "No! I don't want this!".
Ofcourse there was no way back.

Six dots in my neck took me to a twofold journey: at first the medicin 'attacked' the back of my eyes and I purged just a little bit for 3 or 4 times. My arms felt they were on ice cold fire. I struggled to remain seated upright. About 30 minntes later I was able to move myself into bed. Again 30 minutes later I was feeling a burning sensation in my belly and throat and I knew it had to get out so I drank some more water and helped myself purge in the most powerful way I ever purged.

The pulsating sensation in my face kept throbbing for a whole day.
I never felt so hungry for EVERYTHING before!

Thank you Kambo, Kris, Annick & Raf.
Image result for kambo

maandag 25 november 2019

First noticeable result of Kambo

I just returned from my first gym session and I HAVE to share this with you!

While I was on the treadmill, I noticed my heart beat was rising. Beating strong.
I became aware that 2 days ago, doing the same exercise, would have had me in a state of fear and distrust.
Distrust in my heart.
Distrust in the function on my body.
Distrust and fear that something might go wrong.

This fear made me try to control and reduce my heart beat by my will and thus hindering my physical progress.
I suppose past illness, failures and disappointments tend to pile up and my ego tused to try to protect me by convincing me that I was about to die because of a risen heart beat.

Image result for kambo

Kambo had me for 20 minutes in a state of raised heart beat.
It made me regain trust in my system and so I am not sabotaging myself anymore.

Thank you Kambo.

Finding a new Teacher: Kambo

What is Kambo?  Look here.
We drank over 2liters of water in about 30 minutes.
5 little stings followed by a little itch was nothing compared to what was about to hit me.
The medicine started working immediately and lasted for about 20 minutes.

I almost called out for my mom for help.
It hit my eyes and brain very hard.
Then it went to my heart...
Pounding like crazy!
...and finally it hit my belly where all the work had to be done.

My guide was amazing.
Encouraging me to remain seated up right.
Commanding me to drink and to help myself purge as deep as I could.
Thank you Kris.
The bucket was full.
The soul and body relieved...

Thank you Kambo <3

Thank you Raf for your help.
Thank you Annick for your hospitality and the tasty food.

zondag 3 november 2019

This is it...

It's Thursday evening, Octtober 30th.
We arrive at Zwanenburg for a 3 day Ayahuasca ceremony.
It has been exactly 2 years since we started this journey.

Although I am well prepared, the first drink is hard.
I break down as soon as I swallow the MAOI.
This is not looking good, I thought.
After the DMT I start feeling nausious and my belly starts acheing.
This continues for hours. I shake, I twist and turn on my matress but nothing gets released.
No purging.
As I allow myself to be lead by the music, I get to see how the end of a song contains the beginning of the next song. In a cyclic wave motion.
I'm waitning for the spirits to arrive but nothing comes.
I feel lonely.

On the second night everything starts off pretty much the same.
Tears at the first sip.
Pain in the belly.
And then I realise I might have chased The Mother away since I had stumbled uppon this Entity Clearing Statemant 
Did I really do it? Did I clear myself of all "entities"?
Suddenly I see my first real vision: Giagantic, majestic mushrooms with glorious pale stems and beautiful reddish-brown crowns in a bath of golden sunlight.
Image result for mushroom sunlight"
Again, this mushroom-message!? I don't enjoy them much. They give me a headache for days.
In a moment of clarity, I tell about my pain to our sweet guide Naomi. She asks me if I'm absorbing her pain of her womb  and a soon as she starts telling about it I feel an immense relief....
I finally can rest a bit.
As I lay on my belly, I get a vision. I see my umbelical chord and the remaining of what was my placenta still inside me behind my navel. A voice tells me this is my emergency ration for when I step into the Autumn of my life. Go ahead, consume it.
As soon as these words are said, I feel the pressure disolve and a rush of pure energy flushing into my hips and down my legs into my feet. I never felt so strong!

On the 3rd day I drank the potions in a much more peaceful way.
No disgust, no tears.
A acidic reflux forces me to grab my bucket and to focus on purging. Nothing comes though...
The pain is excruciating and I remember myself mumbling "Enough, no more" in three languages.
This makes me so sad. I hug my bucket and lovingly put it aside.
I thank The Mother over and over again.
For her insights, her wisdom, her beauty.
It is time for a new chapter where I can explore the male spiritual energy.

The next morning I happen to be all alone in the ceremony room and as I looked uppon the clean space, I realise this center will close in 2 weeks.
This room has heard all of my deepest pains, screems and victories.
In this room I shared sorrow and joy with my partner and my children.
In this room I connected to the most diverse fantastic people.
I break down and cry on my knees.
As I calm down I look uppon the red veil on the floor.
It's fractal pattern starts to breath and becomes alive, like a calm sufrace of a lake.
She comforts me. She's still inside of me.
I look around for a last time and take my leave....

Thank you Mo, Justin and Naomi for all your help.
Thank you Sanjela, Simon, Paul, Tom, Caro, Hoodbar the Barbar and Anna for sharing my last ceremony in this centre.
Thank you Mother.

This is the end, I'm going on an adventrure!
Image result for i'm going on an adventure"

Mo and his team will open their new centre on November, 15th.

Thank you and many many safe journeys.

zondag 10 maart 2019

Reaching the Akashic Records...

On the 3rd day of a 3day ceremony, I reach a point where I manage to remain graceful and embrace my suffering so I can assist others by holding their space.
This act catapults me into hyperspace, straight to the place where all knowledge is available.
I am that place.
I feel I'm on top of ALL.
Still, I look around and of course I look up and this is what I see:

Yes, those are mushrooms.

Thank you boob-lady!