Diet: check.
Gym: check.
Empty stomach: check.
30ml MAOI: check (with some gagging resistance)
I went to bed around 10pm and woke up at 3am with only 1 desire: to get my protein shake!
While I got dressed, I saw colorful flashes around the edges of my visual.
I drank the shake and immediately I was sent to the toilet for a N°2
I remember thinking; "Just like a baby: eating, shitting, sleeping, repeat..."
When I got back to my bed I got the visual of a metalic scroll being rolled out.
On that grey surface were written golden symbols.
"If you think I can decode, remember or even pass this information on, you are making a big mistake." I remember saying this. :)
Later the veil of peacock-like feathers with eyes appeared.
All this while I focus on my belly.
Where is that pain I was used to?
Where is this fear?
Then I realized I never felt so safe as I do now. Nothing threatens me. Except, I am my own biggest threat. I hold this horrible potion up to my lips! :)
I'll be honest, today at this point, I am exhausted.
No gym today. I need a break. :)