maandag 22 juni 2020

Facing the Light and Sound of God

Last Friday and Saturday we attended another Ayahuasca ceremony.
I had been fasting for 20 days.

You know the drill: you drink and the medicine brings you the ansers, using your body, mind and soul to unfold your inner truth.

At a certain moment I found myself wrestilng with 'something'.
I sat in this position...

Notice the toes, pushing my body upwards while my arms and hands pulled my head towards my core.
I had the urge to bring my brain into my belly. The reason and insight will follow later...

Later that day, our 21-days meditation excersise was exactly the same but upside down.

After a long while, my legs felt weak and tired.
My whole body strated shaking.
Drums were playing.
I had to release this grip and I felt I had to stand up.
I managed to pull myself and my will toghether and stood up-right...
That's when I saw the brightest golden-white light!
Brawley Sunstrokers : IVSL QUALS
It started beaming stronger and stronger, consuming my whole body.
The sound was deafening loud, I couldn't stand it.
The vibrations shattered every cell in my organism.
I felt horrifying terror and the purest Love at the same time.
After a couple of seconds I collapsed.

While trying to make sense out of all this I went on a free-association-mind-wander.
I remembered how our brain and our gut grow out of the same cell-cluster. While they devide to form independently, they keep an intimate connection until birth when the ambilical cord is cut.
That pain and trauma causes a painful separation and both start looking for each other in a frenzy way. When they eventualy find eachother again, a new connection is made but this time a level of trust is lost between them. So the brain keeps sending distressed signals to the belly and the belly replies in the same way.
This is why later, our thoughts can cause severe gut issues.
You know the saying: "Trust your belly" or "It's a gut feeling"
This referes to the fact that our gut has brain cells and thus can think.
This implies that our brain is able to "digest".

As soon as I got this insight, I set myself in a meditative state, asking my belly to think and asking my brain to help digest.
A sheer feeling of inner JOY took over my body. The two lovers were reunited. My jaw relaxed and a deep bliss came over me.

As it is written: "Don't chew on pork"
pork =thoughts of the lower mind --> use your brain to digest them!

Thank you for reading.

zondag 14 juni 2020

Today I reached my lowest point...

...and touched the floor!

After a very intense Kambo ceremonie, I find myself more flexible than before.
Only two days ago I reached just below the knee and look at this now!

The cleansing was deep and powerful.
The haert-belly connection was fortified.

With 5 dots applied, I can say this was my most elegant Kambo experience so far.

I was well prepared.
1 light meal per day.
Strong connection with rapé and 1 mantra:
"I welcome you.
I allow you.
i forgive you
I Love you"

<3 🙏🏻

vrijdag 12 juni 2020

I did it, I opened my 3rd eye...

Open Your Third Eye Easily! | Positive Perception at around 12:30pm!

I've been on a strict vegan diet for 8 days.
Just one light and balanced meal per 24 hours around 6pm, starting with a shot of pure vitamine C, followed by a nap.
I go to bed between 1am and 2am.
Daily meditations with extensive use of rapé which always give a buring head-ache.
I believe it's this burning sensation that is at the base of my expierince.

Also, every day at noon, since I don't eat, I've been taking naps. It's at this point today where I experienced the opening.
I saw a flesh-like tunnel of gold and pink appearing 'in front above me'. I remember looking through the tunnel and at the same time seeing the back of my closed eye-lids.
I was conscious, I even moved my fingers to test it. :)
The tunnel kept growing and at the end I saw myself, talking to someone outside of the visible area.
The conversation seemded funnny and playful.
Suudenly I see myself from up there becoming aware of me watching and I (up there) started looking down though the tunnel to myself.
This was very exciting and the tunnel closed as I moved my body.
I took a couple of deep breaths and relaxed back into the trans-like feeling and there it was again. Only this time the tunnel was shut with a fleshy eye.

As I got out of my sleepy state, I rose up my arms to stretch and I felt my head filling up with a shine of gold.

Today is also when I noticed this sticky sensation on my teeth.
I only have this while drinking Ayahuasca. Coincidence?


Thank you boob-lady!