All I see are spinning Chakra's 😄😄😄
woensdag 22 april 2020
maandag 20 april 2020
It's got to be 9...
I had my first deep resting sleep in days and this came to me while taking a shower 😁✌️
In search of the 2 missing elements/spheres/planets/chakras
If the Root Chakra is our 'base' where we sit upon in meditation then we could say we sit on Mars.
The red planet, the God of War.
Can we see in our reality any evidence of that being played out? (retorical question)
Warfare and destruction is everywhere.
Warfare has become the main engine for gathering 'wealth' and Power.
So where should we move our 'base' to?
Whet is the element or planet below Mars, below our (M)ars-es?? <pun>
It's Earth. The neglected Mother. Do I even need to go into that?
This brings us to 8 planets or Chakras.
As above, so below and vice versa.
I associate the 7th Chakra with the Moon because of their Silver light connection.
In Greek the moon is called Selini, and the Romans made the connection by calling heaven 'the place where Selini resides' Celeste, hence Celestial bodies.
So I feel that Heaven is the 9th Chakra, the higher Consciousness
Just sharing, have a wonderful day, thank you for listening :) ❤️☘️🙏
In search of the 2 missing elements/spheres/planets/chakras
If the Root Chakra is our 'base' where we sit upon in meditation then we could say we sit on Mars.
The red planet, the God of War.
Can we see in our reality any evidence of that being played out? (retorical question)
Warfare and destruction is everywhere.
Warfare has become the main engine for gathering 'wealth' and Power.
So where should we move our 'base' to?
Whet is the element or planet below Mars, below our (M)ars-es?? <pun>
It's Earth. The neglected Mother. Do I even need to go into that?
This brings us to 8 planets or Chakras.
As above, so below and vice versa.
I associate the 7th Chakra with the Moon because of their Silver light connection.
In Greek the moon is called Selini, and the Romans made the connection by calling heaven 'the place where Selini resides' Celeste, hence Celestial bodies.
So I feel that Heaven is the 9th Chakra, the higher Consciousness
Just sharing, have a wonderful day, thank you for listening :) ❤️☘️🙏
zondag 19 april 2020
Putting things together.
The past few day were very turbulent for me. Long sleepless nights, disconnection from my partner and a brain in overdrive...
Last night, using rapeh in a attempt to find some peace, stumbled uppon this:
We have 7 days in the week.
We have 7 main Chakras
We have 7 visible heavenly bodies in the sky.
What if the order of our days is a 'route' on how to guide our energy through our body?
Like a inner celestial map...
So, Sunday = Sun -> Solar Chackra
Monday = Moon -> Crown Chakra
Tuesday = Mardi = Mars-day(Red planet) -> Root Chakra
Wednesday =Mercredi = Mercurius-day, the messenger -> Throat Chakra
Thursday = Thor's day = Zeus's day = Jupiter -> Sacral Chakra
Friday = Venus -> Heart Chakra
and Saturday = Saturn -> 6th Chakra -> 3rd Eye
If you draw 'route' you get this...

If you project it into 3D you get a spiral going to the Sacral, jumping to the Heart and exploding out of the 3rd Eye.
I have been trying this today and after doing it intentionally for 3 rounds, I "let it go" and felt like I was floating on a calm lake.
Thank you for listenning :)
Last night, using rapeh in a attempt to find some peace, stumbled uppon this:
We have 7 days in the week.
We have 7 main Chakras
We have 7 visible heavenly bodies in the sky.
What if the order of our days is a 'route' on how to guide our energy through our body?
Like a inner celestial map...
So, Sunday = Sun -> Solar Chackra
Monday = Moon -> Crown Chakra
Tuesday = Mardi = Mars-day(Red planet) -> Root Chakra
Wednesday =Mercredi = Mercurius-day, the messenger -> Throat Chakra
Thursday = Thor's day = Zeus's day = Jupiter -> Sacral Chakra
Friday = Venus -> Heart Chakra
and Saturday = Saturn -> 6th Chakra -> 3rd Eye
If you draw 'route' you get this...
If you project it into 3D you get a spiral going to the Sacral, jumping to the Heart and exploding out of the 3rd Eye.
I have been trying this today and after doing it intentionally for 3 rounds, I "let it go" and felt like I was floating on a calm lake.
Thank you for listenning :)
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