zondag 2 september 2018

Smoke DMT they said...

...it will be fun they said.

Boy were they right! :D :D :D

First hit was light and a bit of a burning sensation because the filter came loose.
The second hit, after inhaling slow and deep, holding it as long as possible, sent me straight to DMT land.

I underwent exactly what McKenna described: "Death by astonishment!"
I completely froze holding the pipe in both hands.
I opened my eyes and saw everything in 2D.
That's when I placed my hands on my face and I saw my two arms and torso form a whirlpool of bright red gold colors, merging and re-emerging bringing me joy and even, in a split of a second, deep grief.
All I could say was "Thank you!" and everything erupted in a bright orange flood of pure Love.

That's when I had to put my head on a pillow.
This submerged me into a crystal bubble, disconnecting all outside impulses from my emotions.
Nothing could touch me.
I could hear voices and feel the touches on my skin but nothing came thru the bubble.
My emotions were safe.
Meanwhile, I got to see what I can only describe as "the veil of Love".
Waving over me like in the softest summer breeze.
Blue and light green gray colored.
With the outlines of an elephant, a monkey and a lion.
And elements of sacred geometry.
Total bliss.

Seconds later I find myself traveling back to this reality.
Passing all the stages I usually pass with Ayahuasca but instead of hours, this takes seconds.
Emotions kick back in: Fear, Love, Anger, Sadness, Joy...
I rush through the state of the Beast; For a moment I thought I might get stuck in that state but.
Seconds later I'm at the table, telling exactly this story to my cosmic family.


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Thank you boob-lady!