zaterdag 1 september 2018

Ayahuasca #10

...but who's counting...

We started with a very nice simple breathing meditation, powerfully guided by Bas.
This awareness of my breath helped me a lot in this ceremony.

I decided on my intention just before the potions were served.
I would focus on the plants.
Not on me or my problems...
"Commit to understand, feel and appreciate the plants so I can respect them on a deeper level;"
And down goes the MAOI and the DMT.
Horrible taste.
It's been 3 months since my last drink so this hurts and I break down in tears immediately.

Kept my focus on the breath and the will to examine the plants.
Apparently, this is much appreciated by the spirits.
As long as I was communicating with the plants inside me, I got rewarded with a feeling of unity, love and beautiful red and gold patterns.
The moment I let myself be distracted, the dizziness and nausea would kick in, indicating me to re-focus!
So I did, over and over again, in great frustration of Bas and Mo.
Their drumming didn't stir the beast inside me. :) :) :) Sorry guys!

I kept this jungle poison inside me for 2 whole ours until the question for the second potion came up.
I gathered my ego and flushed it down my throat in a hideous way...the purging was immediate and violent.

After one hour, I asked for another round.
This shot made me playful as if the plant allowed me to have some fun.
So I started playing with my mediation pillow. Holding it up in the air with my feet.
That's when the biggest reward was received: My spine cracked into place and relieved me from a stubborn pain. My hip bones also popped into place reducing friction and pain.

Such. A. Relief.

Extra thanks to Bas, Mo and Patrick especially for using the Agua di Florida on my most difficult moments.

1 opmerking:

  1. Thank you verry much for being with us Tony and Anna we enjoy every vissit of you 2 beautifull people you 2 changed A LOOOOOOOTTT!!! Since the first time we met you 2 lovely people you changed in a special positive way you because like a familly to us thank you for being yourself and sharing that with us and Thanks for your greatfull trust in us and by the way the choclates tasted delicious still got them bidden from bas ����
    And the box you guys left on the table was surprising amazing That gives us a feeling That we are on the right track (though you didnt have to to that�� but ill spend my schare on a present for bas his birthsday ������
    See you guys in the near future keep us posted about the muchiesss

    Manny love an grattitude Mo from Ayahuasca Amsterdam


Thank you boob-lady!