maandag 4 juni 2018

Ayahuasca and alcohol.

Just. Don't. Mix them.
Anyway, this article is not about that.

I got this insight were I saw the parralels between Aya and alcohol (beer).
Both are:
- Bitter
- Poison
- Hit your liver where a lot of trauma is stored.
- Both make you purge.
- Both knock you out.

Under inflence of Aya you can be guided to focus on your pains for acceptance and thus release thru purging.

Now imagine, being waterboarded with bitter beer until you almost pass out.
You are sick.
You vommit your guts out and you literally shit your pants while a priest commands you to repent.
To accept the Light.
To beg the Lord for Mercy.

This sounds violent but the key is that it is voluntarily.
You survive.
You rise a Warrior.
A Knight.
A True Christian.


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Thank you boob-lady!