woensdag 27 juni 2018

Crop circles are the Instagram version of the pyramids.

Somewhere I picked up the idea that pyramids all over the world seem to have appeared out of thin air and instantly materialized as a whole.
Crop circles appear in the same way.

What if the pyramids are the old way of communicating?
Information meant to be saved 'forever'.
Seen by everyone.
But human nature got used and thus bored with them.

Now, the crop circles appear.
They contain the same higher dimensional sacred knowledge, just like the megaliths.
They are formed in fields without damaging the crops.
This allows the formations to disappear in a matter of days.
Thus triggering our modern human curiosity for volatile information.

Just like all social media do.

I got this insight after watching this video of Dr Horace Drew.
Decoding UFOs and Crop Circles 2017

dinsdag 5 juni 2018

Dream: Crossing the muddy river.

I stand at the edge of a wide muddy river.
With a toddler. He is floating on the water, unaware of any danger.
I need to cross that river.
Without being killed by the aligator.
Without losing the kid to the aligator.
I look at the water, trying to see the beast.
I can sense my legs going numb of fear.

Should I try and kill the animal? No, I'm not strong enough.
Should I out swim it? With the little boy? Not a chance.
Should I sacrifice myself? Then the kid will also be killed.
Sacrifice the kid?? Don't even mention it!

Only one thing remains: study the animal.
Respect the animal.
Move without disturbing it.
As I realise this, I feel the numbness disolve.


maandag 4 juni 2018

Ayahuasca and alcohol.

Just. Don't. Mix them.
Anyway, this article is not about that.

I got this insight were I saw the parralels between Aya and alcohol (beer).
Both are:
- Bitter
- Poison
- Hit your liver where a lot of trauma is stored.
- Both make you purge.
- Both knock you out.

Under inflence of Aya you can be guided to focus on your pains for acceptance and thus release thru purging.

Now imagine, being waterboarded with bitter beer until you almost pass out.
You are sick.
You vommit your guts out and you literally shit your pants while a priest commands you to repent.
To accept the Light.
To beg the Lord for Mercy.

This sounds violent but the key is that it is voluntarily.
You survive.
You rise a Warrior.
A Knight.
A True Christian.


zondag 3 juni 2018

How Ayahuasca talks to me.

We just rounded up our 8th ceremony.
A lot of agony and deep pain is transformed and I thank the Plants for their help and wisdom.

We arrive at home and after a shower and lunch we spontaneous start preparing our little garden.
We pluck the long grasses with our bare hands.
We throw all the ripped grass and weeds on a pile in the corner while we evaluate which plant to keep and which to remove.
Meanwhile the grass is screaming for help by the well known cutten-grass-smell.
We don't pay attention to it.
We observe a small tree at the edge of the garden.
"What is this?" I ask myself and out of habit I squeeze a leaf between my thumb and index finger to extract a fragrance...
Without any fear I place my nose right on my fingers and take the deepest sniff you can imagine.
What follows is pure horror!
The smell of MAOI rushes through my body and settles right in my still fragile stomach.
It's a miracle I didn't trow up everything I ate.
Instinctively I apologize to the little Warrior in my garden.

Never ever before has a plant communicated with me in such a clear and assertive way.

I felt like a stupid cave man.
Doing harm  to this fragile environment.

The only thing I could do to continue the work was to promise the plants that one day I will sacrifise myself to them.

Weird as f*ck.

The Old Woman and the Little Boy

I drink.
I'm disgusted at myself for putting this poison in my body, again.

The purple spiral appears.
It spins fast and beautiful.
Leads me up and up and straight to the face of the Old Lady.
She obviously looks for attention, recognition, love.
I don't feel hostility.
I hold her in my arms.
Promissing her I'll be here. Forever, if nessecary.
She gives in and relaxes.
I notice myself as a 6year-old child.
Observing with envy ,demanding my attention.

How can I be with each of them at the same time?
That's were the insight kick in.
I merge them.
They float into each other.
They transform into a young woman.
And then, into light.
They disolve.

I feel relieved.

Thank you boob-lady!