dinsdag 17 april 2018

Lower back pain.

What lower back pain??

During the last 2-3 days, I've caught myself moving freely, sitting for a reasonable time on a chair and the getting up...effortlessly, painlessly...

zaterdag 14 april 2018

About the pain in my belly...

...that only seems to recede when I lay on my chest, stretched on the floor.

This experience is induced by this song: Spirit Bird.

 As soon as the song goes "We've seen it all before..."
I stop resisting, wrestling and I give in...

I see my younger self.
I'm in my twenties, but centuries ago.
In the bow of a ship.
One hand is holding my stomach.
The other is reaching for help.

Who can help me?
Only I can help myself.

That's when I see my current 42 year-old self emerging from the light shining inside through the deck opening.
I'm wearing brown leather boots, my favorite brown leather jacket, a black wool hat, sunglasses, unshaven...
I'm holding a little boy by the hand. That is also my 6 year-old self.
Innocent. Trusting.
Looking up to this bad ass man in leather.
Looking at the dying man with curiosity.
The 43yo man reaches out to me. I grab his string hand and he pulls me up into the light and on the deck.
He guides me to the steerman's position and as he puts my hand on the steering wheel I transform into a healthy, clean and well dressed captain.
The little boy looks at me like he was expecting this to happen.

The 42yo takes the boy and walks to the front of the ship.
The boy asks him: "Where are we sailing to?"
He looks down into the boys eyes with the most compassionate look and in a warm voice he replies:
"I don't know and don't you worry. He, pointing at me, knows the way."

I set the ship's course straight into a warm golden light...

vrijdag 13 april 2018

Our lucky day.

My Anna's unresolved issues from the last session pushed us to book a last minute ceremony at Bas and Mo's place.
I decide to dive into my connection to my mom, lower back pain and allowing to receive money since these three topics are strongly related.
We were joined by 3 new travelers.
S from India, wishing to deal with her mother's death.
J from Amsterdam, wishing to deal with the misunderstanding of his girlfriend's anorexia.
And P from Slovenia, the Reptilian Prince, had no clear wish. He came to state that the world needs a big shift and change is upon us.

Needles to say P kind of had us like "WTF!??" even before we had our first sip.
Hold on to your pants cause this is going to blow them away.

J couldn't cope with the pain of facing the issues. As soon as he saw Anna struggle with drinking and puking, he left the room and sat alone to cry though his deep sorrow. What he saw must have connected him to his anorexic girlfriend. Very powerful.

S took quite some time to allow herself to resolve her issue and as soon as she did, we all felt a deep relief and a warm shift of the energy in the room. Bless her and her strong warm work.

P, omg P...
After my second drink, which by the way was a manifestation of pure heroism (but I could be bloating :p ) I saw...
I saw The Reptilian Prince.

Appearing from a huge quite mass of water.
The surface rippled gently.
His green-grey face was emerging in a royal fashion.
Wearing a red and blue crown, he looked me deep in the eyes. His eyes were big, completely black and his mouth was nothing but a black line connecting his broad snaky jaws.
I looked at him.
I can't recall a feeling.
There was no fear or surprise. Nor love or even a wish to understand...
I just knew.
I knew I was observing from a distance because he represents disconnection, loneliness and the feeling not to be understood.

I got my confirmation when he suddenly shape shifted into a big Lion with majestic manes and kind eyes. Notice how the lion is also considered 'royal'.

Also I got this pattern:

While everybody has done 'his work', P remains stubborn and stuck in his struggle, claiming he wants to be helped to release this reptilian prince but on the other hand feeling proud not to surrender.
This leads him to a third shot.
A shot of desperation.
We all pitch in, in the energy and the love to stay with him and to guide him.
He feels attacked, misunderstood and in the end even lonely.
He won't budge and in the end we cave and give up. Tired, somewhat sad and even frustrated.

That's when it hit me!
What we were feeling, is exactly what P was feeling during his whole life!
That energy created the space for this Reptilian Prince just like our feeling of connection and love creates the space for Mother Ayahuasca.
Same coin, different sides.
Our attitude was immature and infantile, believing there was something wrong with P, willing to 'change him for the better'.
All EGO based bullshit.
P is just perfect the way he is.
All we need to do is ACCEPT him.

maandag 9 april 2018

This is a Warrior family!

So much fear.
So much grief.
So much pain yet so much compassion.
It rips you apart, it kills you, it resurrects you.
So much peace.
So much Love.

Thank you boob-lady!